Archives for the month of: October, 2013
Direct Current cutting Room 40 foot x 86 inch table.

Direct Current cutting Room 40 foot x 86 inch table.

Our Clothing Factory in Vancouver, BC is looking for a design associate familiar with the Gerber pattern grading and marker making computer system we use. As an experienced Computer Technician you would be joining a team of traditional pattern designers to input and administrate revisions to garment styles to set up Electronic Grading and Marker Output for a wide range of commercial garment cut and sew production.

Previous Apparel Pattern making, design and understanding of garment construction is required to operate the software and digital drafting board for input and editing apparel patterns.

Tasks include: digitizing patterns into the system, application of size grading rules, organizing markers for plotting of markers used as cutting templates in production.

Located in Central Vancouver on major bus route, our design studio speaks directly with production staff to manage all types of manufacturing requests in collaboration with clients, sales associates and production designers to produce professional sportswear, street wear and technical apparel.

Contact us by return email or call Cyndi Schuring at 604.340.4460 to interview by phone.

Examples of BC domestic garment sewing work can be found on the pages of your local newsstand now.kelly rowland shape magazine october 2013 cover

This Month – Kelly Rowland is pictured wearing a few Beth Richards designs in Shape Magazine. A proud contributor to the engineering of the garments from Beth’s original design concept line drawings is our very own, Cyndi Schuring, production coordinator and owner of  Beth, Cyndi and the staff at Direct Current manufacturing took the garments through several stages of handling enabling Beth to grow her business marketing her brand worldwide.

Careful management of the patterning, cutting and test sewing was required for each item before making their way, to final bulk order production at this proudly Canadian, privately owned, apparel design and production facility quietly located in Vancouver, BC.

Direct Current Manufacturing produces finished goods for established and emerging designers in several categories of kelly rowland shape magazine october 2013 inside“ready to wear”. Capabilities of this sewing shop includes the latest Gerber Digital Pattern management, Expert Cut and Sew for all types of clothing is performed by seasoned industrial sewing technicians. Direct Current offers aspiring designers access to small batch production, custom made-to-order services, consultation and design of cocktail dress, fancy tops, fancy bottoms, sportswear, swimwear, leisure wear, and more.

Nice Style Beth.
Good Job Cyndi.